Keep Your Home Warm With Farmington Heating Solutions
When your heat pump can’t switch modes in the fall, you may be stuck with cool air when you really need heat. This can feel alarming as temperatures continue to drop and you’re left in the cold. This problem often has to do with the reversing valve on your system, but luckily, there’s usually an easy fix.
When you need to schedule a repair appointment for heat pump problems in San Juan County, NM, give Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We’re here to help with all of your heat pump needs.
Keep reading to learn more about why your heat pump might be stuck in cooling mode, and what we can do about it.
What Is The Reversing Valve?
The component on a heat pump that allows it to switch between heating and cooling is called a reversing valve. When you have a separate heater and air conditioner, changing the settings on your thermostat triggers one unit to turn off and the other unit to turn on. With a heat pump, it triggers the reversing valve to switch modes. When your heat pump switches modes, the direction in which the refrigerant moves within the lines reverses.
How Refrigerant Movement Impacts Your Comfort
For cooling, refrigerant moves in one direction to take heat away from your home. When your heat pump is set to heating mode, it moves in the opposite direction to bring heat in from the outside. The primary reason heat pumps get stuck in one mode is that the reversing valve cannot reverse the direction of the refrigerant.
This is usually a very easy fix because our team can repair or replace the reversing valve with a new one so that your heat pump will switch effortlessly between modes.
We’re Here For Your Home: Trust Robbins To Find A Solution
The reversing valve isn’t the only component that’s responsible for a properly working system. There may be cases when your heat pump does, in fact, switch over to heating mode but still continues blowing cool air because there’s a problem with other components.
If we visit your home for a service appointment and find that the reversing valve isn’t the problem, we’ll troubleshoot until we get down to the root issue and fix it.
Reach Out To Get Started
Don’t waste your time ignoring the issue. Protect your comfort with professional repairs! Call the Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning team to schedule your heat pump service appointment, and let us get the job done right the first time!